Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A slight overreaction

Well, so this morning wasn't the best but it also wasn't the end of the world. My keyboard has started working again and my shoes have been found and will be returned to me in a few weeks when I get to Paris. So all is well there. I might even just buy another pair of French shoes, that doesn't seem so bad! I bought a French/English dictionary today, surprisingly it was something I forgot to bring. This one also has grammar in it which is good, I need to work on that anyways. My class is pretty easy so I hope to be moved up a level or two in a couple of days. I'm not too worried that is what these first few days are for, adjusting. I'm remembering more and more as I go along. I do truly believe I missed the whole "honeymoon" phase since I have been here before. Though everything is beautiful and wonderful, I notice the differences so much more. One being I can't just iron my clothes. My host mother has a professional and expensive iron so she needs to do it and I think she said it would take a couple days. So that was a little frustrating. The other frustrating thing is I always feel dizzy. I talked with our director and she said it is sometimes a symptom of culture shock. I will have to look into it a little more.

For now I should start walking home. Maybe I can catch some more news. America is talked about constantly over here.

Love and miss everyone!

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Caitlynn! I'm glad that you were able to put everything in perspective and that things aren't looking so bad now. I miss you too, but I'm glad to let you go on an adventure (with both good and bad times) on your own. You need to check Facebook to see how we are adjusting to the loss of your wonderful personality!