Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Weathermen are bad in Europe too

So yesterday started out as a beautiful day. I never check the weather because I don't have access to the internet and usually can't catch it on the radio. My friends, however, checked the weather. It was supposed to be close to 80 degree, sunny, and beautiful. Needless to say, by noon it was pouring rain! So lesson one, never leave home without an umbrella! I am pretty sure I was the only one who had one simply because it was there from another rainy day. Today is looking beautiful, but I still have my umbrella! The girls were so angry with the weathermen. It was pretty humorous.

My host family had their grandchildren over last night. I was excited when I knew words they didn't and I could understand them whenever they talked slowly. However, children talk at a super speed! Or my host family has just been purposely talking slow. It is very likely the latter. The young boy was picking at a dish and my host was telling hime to stop, that he could be giving the idea that French children are impolite. I felt the need to say that it doesn't really vary in the US..children will be children. The kid thanked me but his grandpa said it was no excuse. I was just thrilled to understand and interact.

Oh, and I think my host mother has taken my laundry hostage. She did laundry Monday and I got a few things back Monday night. I didn't get anything back yesterday (I think it's because it rained and the clothes were on the line..maybe she didn't get to them fast enough) I hope I get some back today because I have even less clothes than I started with! Leaving me with very, very few options! I realized I need to buy some scarfs and since I found the indoor mall I may do it today...especially if it happens to rain.

Still missing home but getting settled here pretty well. I really do love the town. The people are fairly nice. I haven't been runover by a car or bike yet! The cars often stop for me when they see my intent to cross the street, which is nice but I'm trying not to get use to it. I have a feeling that in Paris I won't be so fortunate!

Love and miss everyone!

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