Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Death by Bicycle

No I have not died, however, two of my friends have been hit by bicycles. I am under the full impression that bicycles and motercycles are more dangerous than cars. Cars here have always stopped for me but I have narrowly missed being hit by a motorcycle. Bicycles are no better. They rarely yield for pedestrians like cars do and, as my friends have seen, they are more than okay with actually hitting a person! So if any students go missing, just assume it is because of a bike!

Things have been pretty mellow lately. We went to La Rochelle (a town on the east of France next to the ocean) and Poitiers (an old city). La Rochelle was absolutely beautiful and it was awesome to see the ocean and walk on the beach. Some sand sculptors built a alligator looking thing it was huge and I will try to post a picture soon! It was too cold to go swimming but a lot of us got our feet wet :). Otherwise we just walked around a lot and saw the beautiful city.

Beach and La Rochelle

Poitiers was nice but after a few churches and cathedrals you get a little tired of it but nonetheless they were beautiful. Again, when I get to Paris I will post a picture or two of the cathedrals, there were a lot of obvious differences which was neat to see.

The US has been on the radio lately due to our economy. It amazes me that on the radio here the US is frequently talked about but back home it is near impossible to find anything on France. Very sad I think.

I went last night to a culinary school with some other students from my program. The students training to be waiters and cooks wanted to practice their English. The meal was five courses and would have easily been 50 plus euros at a restaurant and we only paid 18! It was fun and quite the experience and I hope to go back again next week. The food was incredible. I leave next Friday for Paris and I am excited! Tours is beautiful but Paris will be amazing.

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