Sunday, September 28, 2008


Some Pictures!

Arc de Triomphe

Notre Dame My Island!

Notre Dame from my Island!

I have arrived in Paris! These are only a few of the many pictures I have already taken! Things are going well so far. I have started to master the metro/RER system. I already found the American Embassy, a huge shopping area and many other things! I went down to the Champs D'Elysee and walked around for a bit where a nice woman helped me find the store I wanted. I am able to converse in French but it is sometimes easier if they speak English. I'm working on it though and I'm sure I'll have it mastered soon enough.

It was sad to leave my host family and some friends I had met in Tours but I am excited for the adventure here. Classes start today. I have a class Monday from 2-5, Tuesday 9-12; 2-5, Wed 9-12; 3-6, no classes Thursday, and a class Friday 9-12. It is nice and will give me lots of time to explore and do homework of course! It is still hard to believe that I get to live in Paris for three months. It is so beautiful and there is so much to do in Paris alone that it will be hard to go anywhere else.

My current roommate leaves October 6th and then I get a new roommate so I am excited to see how that works. My roommate doesn't have classes until next week so I haven't seen much of her since she's been out and about.

All is well otherwise and I love and miss everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful photo's!!! Love Dad