Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Week

The first week in France has been incredibly busy! I have signed up for a Salsa Dancing class and I start my community service on Monday which is tutoring English. Both of which I am very excited for and hope that it will get me out meeting lots of people.

The dorm is nice. There isn't much of a fridge so it is hard to buy enough food for the weekend. I am also working on acquring pots so that I can cook during the weekends. It is so much different than Tours. I definately miss the meal plan concept of food 7 days a week at school.

Nuit Blanche was last night. It wasn't as big as I thought it would be and I seemed to have missed a lot of different things going on. It would have been nice if it took place a few weeks after being here.

I've been doing a lot of walking around seeing different things in the city which has been nice. The weather has been cold so I think I've caught a cold. Otherwise I'm enjoying myself and the city. There is just so much to do I have no idea how to do it all with the little time I've been given!

Love and miss

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

So I finally read your blog, haha. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you, and that I can't wait to see you in the winter, and if your tour plans are incredibly boring I will purposly be a terrible younger sister :P.

Say hi to some cute guys for me!!...just make sure it's for me, and not you...don't make Josh mad :P. lol just kidding! but i do really miss you...I'm sure you'll visit my very messy dorm when you get back to the U.S.

love you!
