Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wow I have changed

So I have been in Germany now for less than a day, but already I cannot believe how much I have changed from my time abroad and it took leaving my comfort zone of Paris to figure it out.

My trip to Germany was going fairly well until I missed a stop and subsequently missed my train. I am thus without Andy's phone number or a way to get to her town. I expected full out tears and hyperventillating. None of it came. I was so relaxed about it all I amazed myself. That is not to say I wasn't worrying a bit, for heaven's sake I might not have had a place to sleep! The kind German on the train with me helped me get back to where I needed to be and told me a cab would take me. The kind cab man did take me, for 56 euros!! It was worth not sleeping outside though. Everything ended up fine I met up with Andy and we made it to her place without any more events. I just really was amazed at how calmly I took it. HUGE change...

Germany seems so much different then France. The people are more friendly and less indifferent. They will strike up conversations without a problem, and they look at you! In France you don't really look at people, more you look through them. It is so much more like the United States here that I really enjoy it...or maybe it's more like Nebraska. I'm not in some huge city. People have houses and lawns and drive ways. I really enjoy seeing that again. By all means I love Paris, but I prefer smaller cities and towns I think. And here they have decorated some for Halloween, that makes me feel so much better! So I'm not quite done with my trip but I wanted to share my changes. It still is incredible how much more independent I'm becoming and how much more calm I am. Everything (almost) is fixable, taking everything in stride makes life much less stressful!!

I am taking tons of pictures and will upload them when I get back to strange but I do miss it and I've hardly been away!

Love and miss everyone

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