Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 2

I promise to try to get photos up soon..but with no easy access to internet there's no telling when I'll get around to it! Things have been good this week and crazy busy. It was the second week of classes which are still pretty easy for now. Monday I started my tutoring for English. It is going to be hard because the teenagers here speak very, very quickly and it is harder to understand them then the adults. Last night was my first Salsa dance class! It wasn't horribly embarassing and I laughed a lot (mostly at my awful skills!) When the guys know what they are doing I'm fine..I can usually stumble through it easily, but when the guy gets lost so do I! It is fun though and I can understand most of what the dance teacher says. He is from Portugal though so it is a little more difficult to understand his French :)

I went to the Basilique St-Denis last night with our class. It is where all the kings and queens of France are buried. It was pretty but we didn't get a lot of time so I hope to go back again, maybe with my family! It is fairly facinating.

I went shopping today and bought some much needed winter weather stuff. A couple scarves, a hat (which is really cute and not so winter friendly..but that's okay!) and some gloves :). I also bought a pretty sweater because I was getting tired of my clothes. I definately don't have enough. The only thing that looks decent is my black skirt from Banana Republic which is a size 6..everything else is HUGE. I talked to my director about a tailor, she says it will cost as much as a new pair of pants so..I will be getting a new pair of pants and having my jeans hemmed. Seems like a decent solution! My next thing to tackle will be some flat shoes that are comfortable and maybe some heels...but that's for another time! I went into Galleries Lafayette (some good shopping Kelsey) and stumbled upon the floor with all of the name brands. I mean, Prada, Dolce and Gabana and heaven knows what other names! It was absolutely insane!

It still amazes me that I can walk down the street and see the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame. It is so unreal! The city is just beautiful. My shopping today was so much fun because I kept stumbling upon different historic churches or sites in Paris and I just kept taking pictures! I went to Place de Concord today, which is near the American Embassy, and the French are celebrating 100 years of aviation so they had some fighter planes being shown. I took some pictures for Josh and I hope they are decent but there were soooooo many people!!

I had my first dream in French which was pretty cool! The person I was talking to was speaking English and I was trying to speak French. It made me feel like I am finally learning. I still don't have a roommate which makes speaking French outside of class time a little hard but hopefully she shows up this weekend.

I really will try to post some pictures after this weekend. We are going to Marseille and it should be nice and warm! I found some people to go to Normandy with so I am looking forward to the trip. I'm hoping to plan it toward the end of November (the weekend before my birthday!) I am still hoping to go to Germany for fall break, but the Monday of fall break I am going to EURO DISNEY!! YAY! Yes I am a dork, but some other girls were going and I decided to join them. The park is doing some Halloween themed stuff so it should be amazing!

I love and miss everyone!!

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