Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This Journey

One of my friends here is deciding to stay another semester. That, of course, had me thinking as to whether or not I would stay another semester. For me, I think that would be hiding though. There is much to do back at home and I cannot shrug my responsibilities. That has been part of growing up here. There is a difference between what I want to do and what is possible. But, for me, I also believe that my journey needs to continue back at home. There is still much learning to do. I have fallen in love with Paris and would of course love to stay but that would then be easy. The difficulty will be going back to the United States and adapting again.

I really do love life here. Things seem normal now and regular. I have managed to adapt to the life and I am very sad at the thought that it is less than 50 days until I go home. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to complete everything, but I have full confidence I will accomplish most of what I want in the time given. That is why I need to return home and use what I learned and readapt again. Though this probably seems silly and useless for others, it is hard to describe the feeling I get when I think about going home. I really have a hard time accepting it.

Otherwise. Germany was good, it snowed! It was so incredibly good though and I loved it! I hope to go back again someday and I am sure I will. Transportation took forever though! When I go back I plan to get a car so I can see more much quicker. It will be so much better that way! I will get pictures soon I hope.

I love and miss everyone!

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