Monday, December 1, 2008

Birthday in Paris

Well yet again, it's been awhile. And of course I forgot my photos. I promise when I get back to the US everyone will get a good taste of some pictures!!

As for what has been happening...Nothing really. Strange to say but it feels normal now. I have been out seeing the beautiful Christmas decorations that have been put up around Paris! I absolutely love that I get to experience Christmas here.

It is getting fairly cold and constantly cloudy. That is getting really old but I guess that's winter in Paris. I went to see a Moliere play yesterday. I was able to understand some of it but they talked really fast. And of course, with my wonderful luck, I was infront of some lady who was having issue with her seat and a manager of sorts had to come talk to her and it was absolutely ridiculous considering I couldn't understand her or the play! So that was by far, very interesting. Oh and any one come to Paris, you tip the people in theatres who show you to your seats, strange huh?

Sarah and her sister Mandy came to visit. I had a wonderful Friday afternoon/evening with them. The more reminders of home I get the more I want to go home but at the same time it's nice to share this with others, otherwise it feels almost like a dream!

So the last week was fairly uneventful however this upcoming week should be very exciting. Today is my birthday, no big plans because I have crazy amounts of classes and my volunteer work tonight. Thursday I am going to see the Lion King musical thing in French of course!! And then this weekend Tyler comes down and hopefully I will adequately celebrate my birthday! Time is really flying by and I will be home soon!

Love and miss everyone!!

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